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Pobl People Speak Up

Mae People Speak Up yn cynnig nifer o brosiectau celfyddydol yn Llanelli i bobl o bob cefndir ac oedran. Ma nhw’n cynnig cyfle i bobl ymwneud â’i gilydd yn y gymuned, ar sawl platfform, gan gynnwys Stori, Rhannu Gofalu, Sadwrn Siarad y Gair a llawer mwy. I ddysgu mwy am y bobl sy’n cymryd rhan ac yn gwirfoddoli ym mhrosiectau PSU, dw i wedi bod yn siarad gyda rhai sy’n rhan o grwpiau amrywiol.

People Speak Up And Its Participants

People Speak Up offers a wide range of community arts projects in Llanelli. The doors of People Speak Up are open to people from all backgrounds and all ages. The organisation offers its participants the opportunity to engage with others within the community across several different platforms, including Story Care and Share, Young People Speak Up, Spoken Word Saturday, and more. Learn more about some of the regular participants and volunteers’ experiences.