Ydych chi am weld sut y gallwch ddefnyddio r Gymraeg yn eich deialog Saesneg? Ydych chi am symud at gam nesa eich ysgrifennu Cymraeg? Neu falle am gymryd y camau cynta yn un o r ddwy iaith. Falle eich bod am ddweud eich stori, nid ei ysgrifennu. Os felly, dyma r cwrs i chi. Does dim cwrs tebyg iddo!
Dewch i rannu ch amser 'ch gwaith gydag Alun Gibbard a Eleanor Shaw, ac i glywed am ddulliau ymarferol yn y ddwy grefft, dros baned a chacen a falle bisgien hefyd!
Mae croeso i chi hefyd rannu eich gwaith yn Spoken Word Saturday.
Am Ddin
Do you want to learn how to use Welsh dialogue in your English writing and storytelling? Do you want to move on with your writing and storytelling in Welsh or English Or maybe take that very first step in either language?
If so this is the course for you, because there's no other course like it!
Come and share your time with Alun Gibbard & Eleanor Shaw, learn some practical techniques over tea and cake, or possibly a biscuit! Participants are also invited to share their work at Spoken Word Saturday.
DATES: 23.01.2019 | 6.2.2019 | 8.2.2019
Bilingual Storytelling and writing project:-
Fffwrnes Fach ( Old Zion Chapel) Llanelli.