Creative Home Delivery Service


In 2023 we were commissioned by Carmarthenshire County Borough Council and Hywel Dda University Health Board to run a pilot Creative Home Delivery Service, an arts and health home delivery service for older people living in Carmarthenshire who are feeling lonely and isolated during the autumn and winter months.

The project aims was to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce loneliness and isolation by providing creative activities in the home and with groups in care home settings across Carmarthenshire.

Across autumn our facilitors and freelance artists engaged with 48 individuals at home or at a care home facility, and we delivered over 500 sessions in autumn and winter 2023.

Watch the Creative Home Delivery trailer:

  • I was feeling really low and felt on my own. Your staff have made me feel much happier and has had a very positive reaction from my mother. She really looks forward to your visits.

  • It has enhanced my relationship with my wife because it gives us a break from each other, and we both know that we are being supported by a fantastic team at People Speak Up.

We commissioned Dave Horton to evaluate the impact of Creative Home Delivery Service. Here are just some of the key findings:

Mental health and wellbeing
Participants said they their mental health and physical health had significantly improved as a result of the connections and relationships made, and the therapeutic arts practices learned, through the project. Some reported feeling less lonely and isolated. In particular, unpaid carers emphasised the positive impact the project has had on their lives, in a context where other support is minimal or non-existent.

Personal growth
The project has provided opportunities for participants and artists to grow and be challenged and stretched within a safe and nurturing environment.

Community dynamics (engagement, involvement and social connection)
Relationships between participant, artist and facilitator have been foundational to the project, but these have also provided a basis for improved relationships with close family, friends, neighbours and the wider community, with many participants increasing their social networks and activities beyond the bounds of the project and PSU.

The role of creative endeavours
Participants have learned creative skills that they have been able to use to support their wellbeing outside of sessions themselves, helping with confidence and sense of selfworth and meaning.

The professional development of artists
CHDS has created opportunities for new experiences, reflection and learning for artists and professional development.

Read the full Creative Home Delivery Service impact evaluation report

Project Partners