Latest Jobs

Volunteer and Community Garden Co-ordinator

Working 1 day a week / 7.5 hours
Salary: £23,500 pro rata
Fixed term 2 year contract from 5 August 2024
Reporting to the Artistic and Business Director
Deadline for applications: 9am Monday 15th July 2024

This is a new position which has been created as a result of a successful grant application to fund for a one day a week, or equivalent, volunteer and community garden co-ordinator.
People Speak Up received funding to set up a community garden at the Ffwrnes Fach in Llanelli Town Centre. To date this has been run by the staff team and volunteers. As the garden has begun to grow in size we now need someone to look after it and co-ordinate the volunteers who support it’s care and the work of People Speak Up across the organisation.

To apply

Please send your CV and covering letter or a short video*, maximum of 5 minutes, giving examples to explain how you meet the specifications of the role, to Eleanor Shaw

Applications can be submitted in English or Welsh. 

*If you are sending a video please email Eleanor first with your contact details and CV if you have one. Video files are often too large to email so please send it by Wetransfer or similar to ensure it reaches us. Videos can also be sent by WhatsApp to Eleanor on 07972 651920 please include your full name so we can match it to your email.  Please contact us if you need help to do this.

More infomation about the role can be found in the documents here

Job Description Word

Job Description PDF



Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr a Gardd Gymunedol


Gweithio 1 diwrnod yr wythnos / 7.5 awr
Cyflog: £23,500 pro rata
Contract tymor penodol 2 flynedd o 5 Awst 2024
Adrodd i'r Cyfarwyddwr Artistig a Busnes
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: 9yb Dydd Llun 15fed Gorffennaf 2024.

Mae hon yn swydd newydd sydd wedi'i chreu o ganlyniad i gais grant llwyddiannus i ariannu cydlynydd gwirfoddolwyr a gardd gymunedol am un diwrnod yr wythnos, neu gyfwerth. Derbyniodd People Speak Up arian i sefydlu gardd gymunedol yn y Ffwrnes Fach yng nghanol tref Llanelli. Hyd yma mae hyn wedi'i redeg gan y tîm staff a gwirfoddolwyr. Wrth i'r ardd ddechrau tyfu o ran maint, mae angen rhywun arnom nawr i ofalu amdani a chydlynu'r gwirfoddolwyr sy'n cefnogi gofal yr ardd, a gwaith People Speak Up ar draws y sefydliad. 

I ymgeisio

Anfonwch eich CV a llythyr eglurhaol neu fideo byr*, uchafswm o 5 munud, yn rhoi enghreifftiau i esbonio sut rydych yn bodloni manyleb y rôl, at Eleanor Shaw

Gellir cyflwyno ceisiadau yn Saesneg neu Gymraeg.

*Os ydych yn anfon fideo, e-bostiwch Eleanor yn gyntaf gyda'ch manylion cyswllt a CV os oes gennych un. Mae ffeiliau fideo yn aml yn rhy fawr i'w e-bostio felly anfonwch ef trwy Wetransfer neu debyg i sicrhau ei fod yn ein cyrraedd. Gellir anfon fideos hefyd trwy WhatsApp at Eleanor ar 07972 651920, cynhwyswch eich enw llawn fel y gallwn ei gyfateb â'ch e-bost. Cysylltwch â ni os oes angen help arnoch i wneud hyn.

Disgrifiad Swydd WORD DOC

Disgrifiad Swydd PDF


Commission Call Out

Fee: £5,500
Timeline: Summer 2024
Deadline: 9am 10 July 2024

Ymateb: An Intergenerational community arts project to create external artworks to change and support the identity of the home of People Speak Up – The Ffwrnes Fach, from a chapel to an arts, health and wellbeing hub.
Designed and delivered by People Speak and funded by The Arts Council of Wales
Project Partners: Llanelli Multi Cultural Network, Llanelli Community Partnership, Llanelli Town Council

To apply:
Please send CV & project proposal (no more than 2 sides A4) or a video to: or call 07972651920 with any questions

More information about the project and how to apply in the Word and PDF documents

Commission Call Out Word DOC

Commission Call Out PDF


Galwad am Gomisiwn


Ffi: £5,500
Amserlen: Haf 2024
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: 9yb Dydd Mercher 10 Gorffennaf 2024.

Ymateb: Prosiect celfyddydau cymunedol rhwng y cenedlaethau i greu gweithiau celf allanol i newid a chefnogi hunaniaeth cartref People Speak Up – Y Ffwrnes Fach, o gapel i ganolfan gelfyddydau, iechyd a lles.
Wedi'i ddylunio a'i gyflwyno gan People Speak Up ac wedi'i ariannu gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru
Partneriaid y Prosiect: Rhwydwaith Amlddiwylliannol Llanelli, Partneriaeth Gymunedol Llanelli, Cyngor Tref Llanelli

Beth nesaf:
Anfonwch CV a chynnig prosiect (dim mwy na 2 ochr A4) neu fideo at: neu ffoniwch 07972651920 gydag unrhyw gwestiynau.

Galwad am Gomisiwn WORD DOC

Galwad am Gomisiwn PDF